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Past Projects from Provident Electric


An Interior View of Pentagon City Mariott in Frederick, MD
Hospitality Industry

Working on hotel and hospitality renovations and buildouts have been fruitful and exciting for our company. Some clients include the Residence Inn, several Marriott hotels, Days Inn, and local area bed and breakfasts and spas.
Picture shown: Lobby at Pentagon City Marriott.

10. Outdoor Commercial Project Work, Frederick, MD
Medical Offices

Properly installed and reliable electrical service is paramount in medical facilities. Provident takes this matter seriously, so the medical offices we service, along with their clients, can rest easy with the full power necessary to provide the excellent treatment they deserve.
Picture shown: Shady Grove Fertility Clinic office space.

commercial interior project, Fredrick
Corporate Offices

Being a small business, we fully understand the importance of full operational capacity during the workday. Whether it’s a need for increased power, electrical system back-up for uninterrupted operations, business/facility expansion or otherwise, we are here to ensure your electrical needs are met.
Picture shown: NEMA headquarters.

10. Outdoor Commercial Project Work, Frederick, MD
Retail Space

Provident knows retail! From clothing stores to boutiques to vision centers to car rental companies and beyond, we’ll get your lighting and registers powered up to attract the most customers possible! What you do with them after that is up to you.
Picture shown: [coming soon]

An Occidental Hotel Showcasing Commercial Lighting Control in Frederick, MD

Ambiance pulls your customers in and sets them at ease. Proper food handling (refrigeration, chafing, grill/bake/cooking requirements) keeps them coming back for the quality they expect. We have worked with several restaurants and bars to help them with these requirements and more. Some clients include Occidental wine bar, Teavolve, Pizzeria Unos, Chipotle, Marble Slab Creamery, Pasquales, Slainte Irish Pub, Kooper’s Tavern, and more.
Picture shown: Occidental wine bar in Washington, DC.

Led Lighting Installation & Rebeates in Frederick, MD
LED Rebates

We’ve completed many projects to help your business save cash through LED rebate programs. Whether you are constructing a new building and want to outfit with full LED lighting or you’re looking to retrofit your existing commercial space, we’ll ensure your updates qualify your business for local or state rebates. Not only will you get the benefits of the rebate program, you’ll also use less electricity each month with this high-efficiency lighting option.

Get Started with a Free Consultation