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LED Lighting Installation, Nationwide

LED Lighting Installation & Benefits From Rebates

Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting is the most energy-efficient and versatile type of lighting available. LED lighting technology is rapidly changing and evolving to meet the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Modern LED lights last longer, are more energy-efficient, require less maintenance and care, are more durable, and offer better light quality than other types of lighting. At Provident Electric, we offer LED lighting installation and other cost-effective lighting solutions for homes and businesses in Frederick, MD. We can help you explore government energy rebates for LEDs, and find the perfect LED lighting solutions to enhance the beauty, comfort, and safety of your property. Here is a look at why you should consider LED lighting installation and how you can benefit from LED lighting rebates.

What Is LED Lighting?

LED lighting uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light. An LED light is a semiconductor that uses electroluminescence to produce light, making it more efficient than an incandescent bulb. Advances in LED lighting technology have made modern LED lights more durable, attractive, versatile, and functional than ever before. Switching to LED lighting offers economical, environmental, and health and safety benefits.

How Do LED Lights Work?

LED lights are powered when an electrical current passes through a microchip in the light. This illuminates the light-emitting diodes and produces visible light. Any heat produced by LED lights is absorbed into a heat sink, so they emit much less heat than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. LED lights consist of an epoxy case, which evenly distributes light; a lead frame, which provides the electric current; a semiconductor diode, which interacts with chemical impurities to create visible light; and a heat sink, which redistributes the heat produced by electricity.

What Types of LED Lights Are Available?

LED lights are available in almost any size, style, color, and type of light imaginable. They are used in bulbs and fixtures for standard lighting needs and are also available as recessed lighting, security lights, dimmable lights, motion-sensor lights, smart lights, decorative and string lights, holiday lights and decorations, signage and commercial lighting, novelty lighting, and more.

How Are LED Lights Different?

LED lighting is more efficient, safer, more versatile, and more durable than fluorescent and incandescent lighting. LEDs are directional lights, unlike incandescent and fluorescent lights. They emit light in a specific direction and can be used to create more complex lighting designs. They are also available in a wider variety of colors. Fluorescent lights use an electric current that flows between electrodes at each end of a tube filled with gases. This creates a chemical reaction that produces ultraviolet (UV) light and heat. The UV light is transformed into visible light after it strikes a coating on the inside of the bulb. Incandescent bulbs use electricity to heat a metal filament until it becomes white hot and produces light.

Do LED Lights Look Attractive?

Yes, modern LED lights look just as attractive as standard incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. In fact, due to the wide variety of customization options offered by LED lighting, many people actually find them more attractive than standard lights.

The Benefits of LED Lighting

While LED lighting might be a bit more expensive than incandescent and fluorescent lighting, they offer cost savings that can make up for the added cost. The biggest benefits of installing LED lighting at your home or business are:

  • Cost-effective Lighting Solutions – LED lights offer versatile, cost-effective lighting solutions for homes and businesses. LEDs are small, so lights are available in a wider range of sizes and styles than traditional light bulbs. They also offer increased color options and brightness control. They are resistant to vibration and breakage, and have a 25 times longer lifespan than incandescent light bulbs, so they will last longer and require less care.
  • Eco-friendly – LED lights take less electricity to start up. While a standard 60-watt incandescent bulb may use 525kWh of electricity every year, an LED light will only need about 65kWh of electricity. LED lights offer 80-90% energy efficiency over incandescent and fluorescent lighting options.
  • Energy and Cost Savings – LED lights can save you money on your energy bills, and because they are more durable and have a longer lifespan, they can also save you money on lighting maintenance, upkeep, and replacement costs.
  • Produce Less Heat – LED lights are cooler and produce less heat than other lighting options. This makes them safer as they are not a fire hazard. Decorative LED lighting can also be used in places that traditional lights cannot, such as on or behind curtains, in windows, around beds, and in children’s rooms. Because they emit less heat, they are also ideal for illuminating sensitive artwork or decor.
  • Increased Safety – LED lights are safer for adults, children, pets, and the planet. Mercury vapor lights and fluorescent lights contain harmful materials and require special handling to dispose of. Their materials can be toxic to humans, animals, and the environment. When incandescent or fluorescent lights break, they can cause a fire or safety hazard. LED lights don’t contain harmful or dangerous materials, and they are very hard to break. If they do break, they do not emit any dangerous byproducts. You also don’t need to follow any special procedures to dispose of LED bulbs safely.
  • Enhanced Home Lighting Options – There are many different types of LED lights available, offering you enhanced home lighting options and a greater ability to create harmonious, aesthetic lighting designs for your home. You can choose between RGB LEDs, which are available in almost any color, DIP, SMD, and COB LED lighting, and a wide range of light sizes from 5mm up.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint – LED lighting can reduce your carbon footprint and environmental impact. They are manufactured using more environmentally friendly methods and with less use of harmful or toxic materials. They also reduce energy usage.
  • Long-term Lighting Durability – Standard incandescent bulbs have a lifespan of around 750-2,000 hours. A fluorescent light can last around 20,000 hours. LED lights can last for as long as 100,000 hours. They are also more durable, require less care and maintenance, and are less likely to break.
  • Design, Color, and Style Flexibility – LED lighting is available in a wide range of lighting types, styles, shapes, designs, and colors. LED lighting can be used anywhere that incandescent or fluorescent lighting can be used, from decorative and holiday lighting and indoor home lighting to exterior security lighting and commercial and industrial lighting needs. LED lights are also dimmable so that you can reduce the light intensity when needed.
  • Create Custom Lighting Designs – LED lights allow you to create highly custom, personalized lighting designs. LED lights are available in any color you can imagine, including custom colors. Smart LED lights can be customized to any color you choose, and you can switch between colors with the touch of a button. LED lights can be used for shop signs, strings of lights, and standard lighting fixtures.
  • Ideal for Residential, Commercial, or Industrial Use – LED lighting is highly versatile and durable. LED lights are ideal for commercial use, as you can use your lighting to enhance your company branding and encourage customers to stay and browse longer. They are also ideal for industrial use, as they are brighter, longer-lasting, and more durable than other types of lights. LED lights can be used for street lights, parking garage lighting, landscape lighting, security lighting, retail lighting, and more.

Government Energy Rebates for LED

Your local city government and the federal government offer rebates and incentives for switching to LED lighting. Some utilities also offer energy-efficient programs that can provide a discount after you install energy-efficient LED lighting. Here is a look at the tax credits, rebates, and reimbursements available in Maryland and via federal incentives:

  • PotomacEdison – PotomacEdison offers a small business direct install program for businesses using less than 100kWh annually. The Small Business Direct Install Program will cover up to 80% of the costs via EmPOWERMaryland incentives.
  • pepco – pepco also offers a small business program for small businesses using less than 100kWh monthly. Businesses can receive incentives to cover up to 70% of their total project costs for the installation of energy efficiency and LED lighting.
  • bge – bge offers incentives through EmPOWERMaryland, including coverage of up to 70% of the installation cost of LED lighting upgrades.
  • Federal Rebate Programs – Federal home energy rebates offer cash back on home improvements like LED lighting installation that lower your energy bills.
  • Federal Tax Credits – Through 2032, you can also take advantage of federal income tax credits of up to $3200 annually to install energy-efficient home upgrades like LED lighting.

Call Provident Electric for LED Lighting Installation

At Provident Electric, our residential and commercial electricians offer professional LED lighting installation for homes and businesses. We can answer all of your questions about LED lighting installation and assess your property to determine the best way to retrofit lighting fixtures for LED lights and implement professional LED lighting design solutions. Our energy-efficient LED lighting installation can qualify you for tax credits and rebates and save you money on your energy bill. Call us now or contact us online to learn more about our cost-effective lighting solutions in Frederick, MD, and throughout Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.