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An orange electric car plugged into a charging station in Frederick, MD

How Do EV Charging Stations Work? Benefits for Homeowners

Installing an EV charging station in your home offers you safe, reliable access to a charger for your electric vehicle. You won’t need to drive out of your way to charge your vehicle or worry about running out of power on your way to work or on a road trip. At Provident Electric, we offer professional home EV charger installation in Frederick, MD. Here is our guide to how EV charging stations work, the benefits of installing a home EV charging system, and how to choose the right EV charger for your needs.

How Do Home EV Charging Stations Work?

An electric vehicle charging station works by supplying electricity to your electric vehicle’s battery. An EV charging station is connected to your electrical grid and can also be connected to a solar backup battery for more eco-friendly charging. There are two types of EV charging capabilities: AC and DC. AC, or alternating current charging, is the most common method used by public and home EV charging stations. DC, or direct current, is faster and more powerful and typically only used at public EV charging stations that offer rapid charging. When your vehicle is connected to the EV charger, the charging cable transfers electricity from the electrical grid to your electric vehicle’s battery. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to eight hours to fully charge your vehicle, depending on the type of EV charger used and the model of your electric vehicle.

What Are the Different Types of Home EV Chargers?

There are three primary types of EV charging stations, although only two types are typically installed for home use. The three types of EV charging stations are called level one, level two, and level three:

  • Level One EV Chargers – Level one chargers are the charging cables that typically come standard with an electric vehicle purchase. They use a standard 120V wall outlet and can usually add about five miles of range per hour. No installation is required, and you don’t need to hire an electrician. Level one chargers are a good option for low-mileage daily driving or plug-in hybrid vehicles, as you will need to charge your vehicle overnight.
  • Level Two EV Chargers – Level two chargers require a 240V outlet, which is the same type of outlet used for a dryer plug. They add about 25 miles of range per hour and must be installed by a certified electrician. They are ideal for quick, reliable, and efficient charging, and you can usually get a full charge in five or six hours, depending on the make and model of your electric vehicle.
  • Level Three EV Chargers – Level three chargers, also called DC fast chargers, are the fastest and most powerful EV charging option. They are usually only found at dealers and public charging stations. They can add up to 250 miles of range per hour and can charge a vehicle in 20-30 minutes. They should only be used for occasional recharging during a long road trip. They can damage your EV’s battery if they are used too often.

Benefits of Home EV Charger Installation

Now that you know more about how home EV chargers work and the different types of EV chargers available, you might be ready to plan your home EV charger installation. So, what are the benefits of installing an electric vehicle charging station in your home?

  • Convenience, Comfort, and Safety – Driving around looking for a public EV charging station can be inconvenient and dangerous, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar area. You have a greater risk of breaking down when you don’t have access to reliable EV charging. Installing an EV charging station in your home will increase your comfort and convenience, and offer safer, more secure, and more reliable EV charging solutions. You won’t need to wait in line, pay for charging, or drive around looking for an EV charger.
  • Cost Savings on Fuel and Charging – An electric vehicle offers cost savings on fuel, as you won’t need to buy gasoline. A home EV charger also offers cost savings over public charging stations, which are often five times more expensive than charging your vehicle at home. You can save even more money by charging your vehicle during off-peak hours and using a solar battery backup for your EV charger.
  • Fast-charging Technology Benefits – Home EV chargers offer faster charging than the standard level one charging cable that comes with your electric vehicle. A level two home EV charger can charge your car in a matter of hours rather than one to three days.
  • Increased Property Value – If you install a home EV charger, your home may be easier to sell in the future and it may sell for more.
  • Tax Credits and Rebates – Purchasing an electric vehicle and installing a home EV charging system can make you eligible for certain tax credits and rebates.
  • Improved Battery Health and Lifespan – Using a home EV charger regularly rather than only occasionally charging your vehicle at a DC fast charging station can extend your battery life and reduce your risk of battery damage. Slower, more consistent charging is safer and healthier for your EV’s battery.
  • Eco-friendly – Charging your electric vehicle at home is actually more eco-friendly than using DC fast charging stations. You can use renewable energy sources to power your EV charger and also reduce your carbon footprint by charging your vehicle at home.

Importance of Hiring a Professional for EV Charger Installation

If you choose to install a level two EV charger in your home, it’s very important to hire a professional electrician for EV charger installation. A professional electrician will perform an electrical safety inspection to determine if your home’s electrical system can handle the added load, and can make the necessary upgrades to your electrical panel or electrical outlets. Your electrician will determine the optimal placement for your EV charger based on how far your carport or garage is from your home’s main electrical source. They will also determine if you need any repairs or upgrades to your home’s electrical system and protect your home from damage during installation. They can also safely mount your EV charger to the wall so it is out of the way and protected from the elements.

How and Where Are Home EV Chargers Installed?

An electrician can help you determine the ideal placement for your EV charger. Most homeowners decide to have their EV charger installed in their carport or garage, or near where they usually park their vehicle. Because most vehicles need to be charged overnight, choose a place that is secure and protected from the elements. You will also need a charging cable that is long enough to reach from the charger to where your car is parked. The wires must be able to run safely to your electrical source.

Can I Plug my Electric Vehicle into a Normal Outlet?

Yes, most electric vehicles come with a charging cable, or Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) that can be plugged into a 120V outlet. You can plug one end into your car’s charging port and the other end into a standard, grounded 120V outlet. However, the cable comes in a set length, and you must park right by an outlet to use it safely and efficiently. If you need a longer cable, you may end up paying $200-500 more. If your vehicle doesn’t come with a charging cable, you will need to buy one. Charging your electric vehicle using the supplied EVSE is the same as Level One charging. It takes a long time to fully charge your vehicle and is only ideal for people who don’t drive very often and don’t drive long distances.

Level 1 vs. Level 2 Charging Systems

With a level one charging system, you can usually only get around three to four miles of range each hour, and that is in ideal conditions. You will need to charge your vehicle overnight for six to eight hours to get full range. However, some models may take several days to charge to their full range. A level two charger will charge your electric vehicle much faster and more efficiently. Level two chargers provide more reliable power and are ideal for people who travel more often, commute to work every day, or regularly take longer trips. A level two charger can typically add 44 miles of range per hour, and can fully charge most electric vehicle models in four or five hours.

Call Provident Electric for Home EV Charger Installation

At Provident Electric, our experienced residential electricians can answer all of your questions about EV charging and help you determine which type of EV charger is right for your vehicle and needs. We offer safe, efficient home EV charger installation in Frederick, MD, and throughout Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. All of our EV charger installation services are performed according to the National Electric Code and all other local and federal regulations. We will carefully assess your property and evaluate your electrical system to ensure your EV charger is installed safely and correctly. We can also help you take advantage of tax credits and rebates for home EV charging. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation for EV charging installation.