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A man in a safety vest and gloves repairs a gas boiler in Frederick, MD

The Most Common Electrical Repairs Needed in Older Homes

Old houses have their charms, but they also often come with problems. Wear and tear, lack of maintenance, poor design or construction, faulty installation, and outdated or dangerous building materials can cause costly health and safety issues. Electrical issues are one of the biggest problems with older homes and can often be the most dangerous and costly. At Provident Electric, our residential electricians can provide a thorough electrical inspection of your older home and determine if you need electrical repairs, upgrades, or new installations. Here is a look at the most common electrical issues in old homes in Frederick, MD.

Flickering or Buzzing Lights

Flickering, dimming, or buzzing lights can indicate faulty wiring or a circuit overload. If you notice your lights flickering or dimming when it’s windy, you may have frayed wiring in the outdoor fittings coming from the power line. A buzzing sound could indicate poor wiring inside your walls, which could lead to an electrical fire. If your light bulbs dim when other appliances are used or burn out quickly in light fixtures, you may need an electrical panel upgrade.

Outdated or Damaged Circuit Breaker or Electrical Panel

Your electrical panel or circuit breaker may be old, damaged, or outdated. Your electrical panel is the large metal box that contains the circuit breakers and serves as a central distribution point for electricity throughout your home. The circuit breakers automatically shut off power to part or all of your home if a circuit is overloaded. An outdated circuit breaker is one that is damaged, worn out, or made with outdated materials and no longer meets current safety standards. An outdated electrical panel is one that is damaged and outdated and can cause a safety issue or no longer provide enough power for your household’s needs. An electrician can provide outdated fuse box upgrades, electrical panel upgrades or replacements, and circuit breaker replacement to enhance the safety, efficiency, and comfort of your home.

Aluminum Wiring or Old, Outdated, or Damaged Wiring

Older homes often have faulty wiring issues because wiring has been damaged by age, wear and tear, the elements, or animals. They may also have wiring that was poorly installed, or that is made from dangerous or outdated materials. Homes that were built in the 1960s and 1970s often have aluminum wiring that is no longer considered safe. Over time, aluminum can corrode and connections can loosen, which can lead to electrical arcing and fires. Most electricians will not perform aluminum wiring repair and will instead recommend rewiring your home and upgrading your wiring to copper wiring for safety purposes.

Not Enough Outlets, Loose Outlets, or Ungrounded Receptacles

Older homes often don’t have enough switches and outlets to support all of the modern appliances that families use. Many homeowners resort to using power strips and extension cords. However, this increases the risk of an electrical fire, power outage, or power surge, as well as a trip and fall. Older outlets can also be loose, meaning that plugs fall out of them easily. They may also be ungrounded, which means that they are two-prong rather than three-prong and do not have a safe way to conduct stray current that escapes the electrical wires. These issues can cause arcing and increase your risk of an electrical fire or electrocution. It’s best to have an electrician install additional outlets and switches so that you don’t rely on power strips and extension cords, and upgrade or replace old and outdated outlets.

No GFCI Outlets Installed

GFCI outlets, or ground fault circuit interrupter outlets, are safety outlets that must be installed in any area that comes into contact with water. The National Electric Code requires GFCI outlets in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and utility rooms. GFCIs shut down circuits if they sense moisture, preventing an electric shock or electrocution. All older outlets should be replaced with GFCI outlets in any wet or high-moisture areas of your home.

Over Wired Electrical Panel

An over wired electrical panel is one that has more circuits than it is rated to handle. This is a common issue in older houses, which often need more power than they did when they were first constructed. An over wired electrical panel can increase your risk of a power surge, power outage, or short circuit. Schedule an electrical panel inspection to determine if you need an electrical panel upgrade.

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Electrician

You should not attempt to do your own electrical repairs or installations, especially in an older home. Electrical services require extensive knowledge and training, and specialized tools to ensure safety and maintain the value and beauty of your home. When you hire an experienced, professional electrician, they will evaluate the electrical safety of your entire home. They will assess the age, condition, performance, efficiency, and safety of all wires and electrical components. They can help you avoid fires, electrocution, and other hazards by recommending necessary upgrades and repairs. They can also help you maintain compliance with local and federal building code regulations, the National Electric Code, and your insurance policies and warranties.

Schedule an Electrical Panel Inspection With Provident Electric

At Provident Electric, we have been providing efficient, reliable electrical services in the Maryland, D.C., and Virginia areas since 2002. Our residential and commercial electrical contractors are committed to electrical safety, efficiency, and quality workmanship. We treat our customers with respect and are transparent and upfront about our pricing. We offer residential electrical inspections, electrical repairs, electrical installations and upgrades, and more. Call us now or contact us online to schedule an electrical panel inspection in Frederick, MD, or throughout the MD, DC, or VA area.