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A compact portable generator positioned in front of a residential home in Frederick, MD

Why Is Generator Sizing Important for Your Home or Business?

A backup or standby generator can make your home or business safer and more comfortable. If you experience a power outage or power surge, the generator can be used to supply power to critical components, ensuring they still function until the power is turned back on. The portable, standby, or whole-house generator you choose will depend on its primary purpose, the size of your property, the appliances or equipment it will be powering, the fuel you have access to, and your budget. At Provident Electric, our experienced residential and commercial electricians can help you choose the right generator for your home or business. We also offer generator installation, repairs, and maintenance. Here is a look at why generator sizing is important, and how to choose the right type and size generator in Frederick, MD.

Different Types of Home and Commercial Generators

Before choosing a generator for your home or business, it’s important to understand the different types available. These are the most common types of home and commercial generators available:

  • Portable generators – Portable generators are smaller and easier to move around. They can provide electricity for outdoor events and rural or remote areas without access to reliable electricity. They can also provide emergency power during an outage, but typically can only be used to power a few small appliances. Portable generators typically run on gasoline.
  • Inverter generators – Inverter generators provide electricity but are less noisy and more fuel-efficient. They are also small and easy to transport. They convert AC power to DC power, so they are ideal for use in RVs or to power battery-operated devices.
  • Standby generators – A standby generator is more permanent than a portable generator but more flexible than a whole-house generator. They are larger and more expensive and are typically permanently installed at your home or business. They turn on automatically when the power goes out. They are usually fueled by propane but can also be powered by natural gas.
  • Whole-house generator – A whole-house generator provides backup power for your entire house during a blackout or power outage. They are hardwired to your home and turn on automatically when they sense a power outage.

Portable vs. Standby Generators

A portable generator is typically smaller, lighter, and more mobile. Many even have wheels for easier transport. They are typically used for short-term power needs at campsites, outdoor events, or job sites in remote or rural areas. They usually have a maximum output of 15,000 watts, so they cannot power an entire home or large appliances. They are powered by gasoline and may pose a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution, or fire. A standby generator is stationary and provides a continuous supply of power to an entire home or business. They are quieter and larger than portable generators and are installed outdoors but are hardwired into your electrical system. They can turn on automatically if a transfer switch is installed or turned on manually during a power outage. They can power a whole property for days or weeks when using propane or gasoline, or indefinitely if using natural gas.

Finding Each Generator’s Power Load Calculation

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing the right size generator for your home or business is its power requirements. You will need to know exactly what you will be using the generator for, and the wattage requirement of each appliance, electronic device, or piece of equipment. You will then need to determine each generator’s power load so that you can confirm that it can handle your power needs. Portable generators provide less power and can usually be used to power a few small appliances. A standby generator or whole-house generator can usually power everything, depending on their wattage requirements.

Understanding Whole-House Generator Capacity

The capacity of a whole-house generator depends on the total wattage of the appliances, equipment, and electronic devices that you need to power in a power outage or power loss. To determine the capacity of a whole-house generator, you must add up the total watts of all of the appliances and systems you want to power, and then convert that to kilowatts by dividing it by 1,000. Then, select a generator with a capacity that is 1.25 higher than the kilowatts you calculated.

Evaluating Fuel Efficiency in Generators

Another key consideration when choosing a generator is the type of fuel they use. You will need to factor in the cost and availability of fuel, as well as where and how you will store fuel on your property. Generators can typically be fueled in three ways: gasoline, propane, and natural gas. Modern generators may use backup batteries or solar batteries to store electricity for later use. However, these models can be expensive, especially if you need one large enough for an entire home. If you choose a gasoline or propane generator, you will need to store fuel on your property to ensure your generator always has sufficient fuel to function in an emergency. If you choose a natural gas generator, it will need to be connected to your property’s natural gas line, which will require plumbing and electrical work.

Overloading Prevention in Generators

Generators have the potential to become overloaded, which can cause safety issues and power loss. You should always carefully monitor the total load of your connected appliances and make sure it stays within the generator’s capacity as indicated by the kilowatt rating and manufacturer’s specifications. You can prevent overload by:

  • Being aware of the generator’s load capacity and rated power
  • Monitoring the generator’s load
  • Prioritizing essential appliances
  • Using overload protection
  • Rotating appliances
  • Using power strips with surge protection
  • Do not power multiple high-wattage appliances all at once

Call Provident Electric for Generator Advice and Installation

At Provident Electric, our commercial and residential electricians can offer expert advice on generator selection. We will evaluate your property size, power needs, and the age, condition, and efficiency of your electrical system. We can then determine the type and size of generator you need. We specialize in generator installation, maintenance, repairs, and upgrades and are proud to be a trusted dealer and installer of Generac generators for homes and businesses. Call us now or contact us online to learn more about our residential and commercial generator installation and repair services in Frederick, MD, and throughout Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.