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A man using a tablet in a modern kitchen, showcasing home automation technology in Frederick, MD

The Latest Trends in Home Automation

Home automation systems give you total control over the lighting, heating and cooling, security systems, and appliances in your home. Installing a home automation system can make your home more functional, comfortable, and secure while also increasing its convenience and accessibility. At Provident Electric, we offer smart home automation system installation and can help you integrate your home lighting, appliances, and security system into your smart home system. Here is a look at the latest home automation trends in Frederick, MD.

Automated Climate Control

Installing an automated climate control system gives you greater control over your heating and cooling system and can lower your energy costs. A smart thermostat can be controlled via your smartphone or tablet, and you can adjust the temperature of your home even if you’re on vacation or at work. You can create personalized schedules to turn the temperature up or down when you leave the house or go to bed. You can also adjust the temperature to prevent your pipes from freezing or to maintain the comfort of your pets when you’re not home.

Smart Security Cameras and Security Systems

Smart security cameras and security systems allow you to monitor and protect your home wherever you are. You won’t need to worry that you forgot to turn on the alarm, security camera, or security lights before leaving your home or going to bed. You can check the system from your smartphone or tablet and monitor it remotely. Smart cameras and security systems can send you notifications if they detect movement or signs of a break-in or security issue. They can even warn you if they detect smoke, fire, barking dogs, crying children, the sound of breaking glass or a gunshot, or other concerns.

Wireless Lighting Systems

Wireless lighting systems allow you to completely transform your home’s lighting design and interior design without hardwiring lights into your electrical system. Wireless lighting systems can be used for ambient or task lighting, mood lighting, security lighting, or motion sensor lighting. The lights can be controlled via your WiFi or smart home system and can be powered by solar power, batteries, or electrical plugs. Installing wireless lighting systems makes it easier to illuminate hard-to-reach or unusual areas of your home or provide lighting in areas like basements, utility rooms, workshops, laundry rooms, sheds, or outdoor areas.

Hands-Free and Voice-Activated Smart Systems

Hands-free and voice-activated smart systems allow you to control appliances, lighting, and electronic devices in your home quickly and easily. These systems are ideal for children, seniors, people with limited mobility, and people who need enhanced accessibility options in their homes. You won’t have to fumble for light switches or plugs, bend down or reach to turn something on or off, or get out of bed to adjust the temperature, lighting, or sound. You can control devices with specific voice commands.

AI-Integrated Home Devices

AI-integrated home devices use AI to control smart devices according to your habits and routine or pre-set schedules you create. They can also be voice-activated and controlled and allow you to ask questions or get information without using your phone or computer. For instance, you can ask the AI device to add something to your shopping list, tell you the weather forecast, read you the latest news headlines, play a specific song, or read you your schedule for the day.

Smart Speakers and Whole-House Sound Systems

Smart speakers and whole-house sound systems are wireless or wired systems that can be controlled using a smartphone app, smart home hub, tablet, or voice. You can play music in certain rooms or throughout the whole house, even in outdoor living spaces. You can also create routines, scheduling certain songs or albums to play when you wake up in the morning, are working out, or get home at the end of the day.

Room Occupancy Sensors and Motion-Activated Lighting

Room occupancy sensors and motion-activated lighting can be used to enhance the comfort and security of your home and make it more accessible. A room occupancy sensor can tell if someone enters or leaves a room, and can turn the lights on and off accordingly. Motion activated lighting can be used to enhance exterior lighting and increase security by deterring prowlers and wildlife.

Smart Door Locks and Door Opening Systems

Smart door locks allow you to control entry to your home, even if you aren’t there. You can let in your house cleaner or delivery driver, or allow access to a handyman or pet sitter. You can also make sure your doors are locked after someone enters or exits your home. Door opening systems allow you to open your doors using a smartphone app or tablet, remote, smart home hub, or your voice. They are ideal for people who have mobility issues or who can’t easily open and close doors.

Smart Home Appliances

Smart home appliances can be controlled using your voice, a smartphone app, a tablet, or a smart home hub. You can program your coffee maker to turn on at a certain time or control certain home appliances using your voice. For instance, you can tell a smart oven to start pre-heating or set a timer, or ask a smart refrigerator how many days are left on its water filter.

Explore Smart Home Options With Provident Electric

At Provident Electric, we can help you explore smart home options for your home in Frederick, MD. Our residential electricians offer convenient, expert smart home automation system installation and wireless technology integration for homes of all sizes. We can help you assess your needs and choose the right smart home upgrades to make your home more comfortable, functional, safe, and accessible. Call us now or contact us online to learn more about our home automation system services in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.