Breaking Down Blower Doors
If you have recently scheduled a home energy audit, your electrician may use a device called a blower door to test the energy efficiency and airtightness of your home. A blower door is a special unit that attaches securely to your home’s exterior doorframe. Once the blower door has been attached, it will decrease your home’s indoor air pressure using a powerful fan. Once the air pressure in your home has decreased, your electrician serving Frederick can measure the amount of outside air that is able to leak in through the spaces and cracks between your door frames and windows.
When a blower door test reveals that your home has an efficiency issue, do not hesitate to ask your residential electrician to provide you with energy saving tips. A qualified electrical contractor can offer you valuable information that will help you reduce your home energy usage, throughout every season of the year. By relying on professional, energy-saving tips, you can lower your energy bills, while also helping to protect the Earth’s resources.