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Since 2002, Provident Electric has grown to become one of the most trusted sources of electrical contractors in the MD/DC/VA areas. Known for our reliability and professionalism, we are the ones that many turn to when they need a certified electrician near Frederick.

Initially, Provident Electric catered to residential clientele. However, knowing that he would need to expand the company’s services if he wanted it to grow, Provident’s founder, Larry Touchet, began working with commercial clients, as well. As time passed and projects were successfully completed, the company engaged foremen and project managers with extensive industry experience to foster our continued success.

To accommodate the company’s steady growth, we recently doubled the size of our warehouse and offices. Provident Electric specializes in everything from electrical repair service to recessed lighting installation and can take care of your residential or commercial electrical needs. Please visit our website to learn more about our services.

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